Saturday, November 14, 2015

Print Ad analysis

An advertisement's main purpose is to make sure that a certain product is portrayed as the best product available on the market and that nothing is better than that companies product. There are many ways in which they portray something in a positive manner however under every advertisement there must be a secret hidden message that lies underneath it that would reveal certain things and ideologies that serve to portray certain issues in our society and region therefore they intend to serve an intended message. this advertisement general is about a product named Nivea, this advertisement was released in  2014 as you can see through this advertisement there is a close contact between the male  and the female as shown in the print Ad. Many could argue that this ad revolves around the need for intimacy, as there are several instances in which this advertisement sends and gives the targeted audience specific information regarding the people empowered in this Ad. This advertisement clearly shows that the woman is in the centre of the Ad making her seem more powerful than the man resulting in dominance in her position rather than the man as he seems to be cut out of the frame since he’s shown a bit to the corner and that he is behind her  indicating that the man isn’t as valuable is the woman in this situation thus indicating that women in this Ad are shown as the dominant and empowered side. throughout this advertisement there is a reason in which women as shown more powerful  than the man since this advertisement targets women not men. Nivea is a company that has many products worldwide along the globe but in this specific Ad they target the skin as its smooth and soft indicating that this would only suit a women. you could also indicate that the perspective of this advertisement clearly eliminates the man as we could clearly identify that he is marginalised as throughout this ad we could only see that the many plays a small role while on the other hand the women plays a vital role in this advertisement. there are several factors in this Ad that indicate and show that there are certain things about our societies as having a soft skin is only a feminine thing. as beauty only is  referred as a feminine thing that is only applicable to women in our societies. therefore they would use these techniques to make sure that the women targeted buy their product and they make sure they trigger that sensation by informing them that they should have the that soft skin. therefore this shows us that society makes us see that women are the soft kind of people while men are tougher so they don’t need such a product.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Pitch reflection 

Throughout our english class we were divided into groups in order to pitch and come up with a plan in order to advertise and persuade the committee in using us to advertise a certain product. Throughout my groups pitch I believe that  there were many techniques that appealed to boost our pitch in many beneficial ways as we had used the bandwagon appeal throughout the speech of our group since we created a feeling and a sensation in our advertisement that would make the consumer consume the product because everyone is consuming it. As well as we used the appeal to desire in which we had used this appeal to associate and link the product with an everyday desire that teenagers keep dreaming off which is the desire to victory and liberty if they consume our product. 

Throughout the presentation there were many techniques that we had used in order to persuade the audience throughout the presentation that we had conducted as we had used persuasive language that aimed to influence the audience. Nevertheless we had used appeals that were related to our product as an example we had used a celebrity to advertise the product just making the product more popular and desirable in the whole region as well as we had used many ideologies and concepts that were related to  Aristotle  and his beliefs and ideologies in persuasive language as we used his concepts of ‘ETHOS,PATHOS & LOGOS” to trigger a sensation in the audiences bodies. Moreover, knowing more about the context and the region in which we had to advertise our product in gave us a better hint and idea at what age group we should aim the product at and at which perspective should we focus more on. For example we had to advertise our product in the context of the UAE and therefore we had to identify ways in which we could link the product to that certain region of the world. Therefore when we knew the region we were going to advertise our product in we assumed that the targeted audience would be teenagers in that region and they would be teenagers that had a certain interest in video or you tubers since we had used a well known celebrity to  advertise the product known as KSI. 

Throughout the powerpoint presentation we had included many images in our presentation in order to influence the committee and the audience and grab their attention so that they don't get bored and get hyped instead as ew went on with explaining our product and our ideologies regarding that product. We had included images of the product and the name of the product so that we as an advertising company seem credible and professional enough to take this task of advertising a product. Nevertheless, the use of images throughout the presentation helped us to influence and get into the audience in an effective manner so that they are convinced with our product and our ideas.

Finally, this presentation as a whole would benefit us as individuals when we are going to submit and present our FOA because throughout this presentation  we knew how we could adjust ourselves in several situations in which you forgot what you were saying or when you go off topic. As well as I believe that from this presentation we got a solid idea on how strong the FOA should look like in order to get a decent grade. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Diet Coke commercial analysis 

throughout english class we have discovered and learnt more about media and we went into more depth regarding rhetoric media and how is it being used in our modern society. throughout the class we had discovered many aspects regarding the topics and ways in which are effective in order to do so. According to Aristotle “a greek philosopher” who wrote a whole book on “rhetoric” he explains its an art of persuasive talk and in order to be successful in it you should have three concepts present ethos,pathos and logos.Ethos is a Greek word meaning ‘character’. In terms of persuasive language, it is an appeal to authority and credibility. Ethos is a means of convincing an audience of the reliable character or credibility of the speaker/writer, or the credibility of the argument.Pathos is a Greek word meaning ‘suffering’ or ‘experience’, and it is used in persuasive speech as an appeal to the emotions of the audience. Pathos is the way of creating a persuasive argument by evoking an emotional response in the audience/reader.last but not least logos,Logos is a Greek word meaning ‘a word’ or ‘reason’. In rhetoric, it is an appeal to logic and reason. It is used to persuade an audience by logical thought, fact and rationality.

by taking a look at those concepts and acknowledged them I had taken an advertisement thats related to diet coke and i ha identifies the use of the elements in each one of them. before that lets mention the intended audience by looking at the video the intended audience is clearly fans of the artist that is being used to advertise the product or they could be fans interested in purchasing the product. That being said while looking at the diet coke commercial there were many instances in which the lens would zoom on the product and get a shot of it thus making it seem dominating. ethos and pathos two characters mentioned by Aristotle are shown when the video shows the artist taylor swift composing a song while she is taking a sip of the diet coke and later on shows the civilians in situation continuing the songs while they have a diet coke. it could also be stated that there is a message at the end which says “Diet Coke stay extraordinary” and thats persuasive language in which its using and triggering the emotions of the audience convincing them to consume the product and example of pathos. so the ad clearly shows the use of ethos and pathos but not logos however its present in a small portion when displaying a successful artist performing on stage while she is having or consuming their product.